Category Archives: school

Exploring the Great Outdoors in Oklahoma

Some of my favorite field trips for my students have involved being outdoors and introducing them to learning in nature. A few weeks ago we went to the Lake Arcadia Education Conservation Area, and had an opportunity to teach our kids how to fish. This was the first time some of my students had ever been fishing. One student’s mother told me this had been her son’s lifelong dream: To go fishing. He didn’t end up catching a fish that day, but his brother did.

Fishing Trip by shellyfryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  shellyfryer 

Our “character word” for that week had been patience. Fishing proved to be a great activity to discuss patience and to practice patience, having to wait for exciting things! We learned about digital photography during the field trip thanks to a grant through the Udall Foundation “Parks in Focus” program, and students each had opportunities to take their own photos.

OKC Good put together a wonderful, four minute video about our field trip and our school. Check it out!

I posted 13 photos from our field trip to a new Flickr album. I love outdoor education! I wish all students at every school had opportunities to learn and just experience nature the way our students can at Positive Tomorrows.

Fishing Trip by shellyfryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  shellyfryer 

One of the best things about outdoor field trips like this is that students can repeat similar experiences with their families for little or no cost. Of course transportation is always an issue, but unlike activities which require an admission fee, enjoying our local parks and natural areas are affordable outings for everyone.

Fishing Trip by shellyfryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  shellyfryer 

Room108 Podcast 20: We’re Studying Spiders!

Today we started studying about spiders! Students discovered some really fun facts. Give a listen to our podcast and you can learn with us. Also check out the storyboard about spiders I created with PBS Learning Media videos and resources. This is the twentieth episode of our classroom podcast, created using the free Opinion app on my iPhone.  I teach third and fourth grade students at Positive Tomorrows in Oklahoma City.

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  1. My PBS Learning Media Storyboard on Spiders
  2. This podcast episode on Opinion
  3. Our radio show homepage on Opinion
  4. Our Classroom Website (on Google Sites)
  5. Our Classroom YouTube Channel
  6. Follow me on Twitter:  @sfryer

Room108 Podcast 19: Skating with the Oklahoma City Blazers

Positive Tomorrows students celebrate the end of our first quarter skating with the Oklahoma City Blazers Hockey Team at Arctic Edge in Edmond, Oklahoma. This is the nineteenth episode of our classroom podcast, created using the free Opinion app on my iPhone.  I teach third and fourth grade students at Positive Tomorrows in Oklahoma City.

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  1. This podcast episode on Opinion
  2. Oklahoma City Blazers Hockey Team
  3. Arctic Edge Ice Rink in Edmond, Oklahoma
  4. Our radio show homepage on Opinion
  5. Our Classroom Website (on Google Sites)
  6. Our Classroom YouTube Channel
  7. Follow me on Twitter:  @sfryer
Ice Skating by shellyfryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  shellyfryer 

Room108 Podcast 18: Questions we have about ocean life

Our class is studying coral reefs and my students have some questions about ocean life and would like to reach out to experts for answers. This is the eighteenth episode of our classroom podcast, created using the free Opinion app on my iPhone.  I teach third and fourth grade students at Positive Tomorrows in Oklahoma City.

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  1. This podcast episode on Opinion
  2. Our radio show homepage on Opinion
  3. Our Classroom Website (on Google Sites)
  4. Our Classroom YouTube Channel
  5. Follow me on Twitter:  @sfryer

Room108 Podcast 17: What did you blog about today?

Today we posted our first blog posts! We are excited to get your comments. Visit our webpage and read today’s posts. This is the seventeenth episode of our classroom podcast, created using the free Opinion app on my iPhone.  I teach third and fourth grade students at Positive Tomorrows in Oklahoma City.

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  1. Our Class Blog on
  2. This podcast episode on Opinion
  3. Our radio show homepage on Opinion
  4. Our Classroom Website (on Google Sites)
  5. Our Classroom YouTube Channel
  6. Follow me on Twitter:  @sfryer
Fishing Trip by shellyfryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  shellyfryer 

Room108 Podcast 16: How did you show honesty or integrity today?

Our character words for this week are honesty and integrity. In this episode of our classroom radio show, students talk about how they have recently shown honesty and integrity . This is the sixteenth episode of our classroom podcast, created using the free Opinion app on my iPhone.  I teach third and fourth grade students at Positive Tomorrows in Oklahoma City.

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  1. This podcast episode on Opinion
  2. Our radio show homepage on Opinion
  3. Our Classroom Website (on Google Sites)
  4. Our Classroom YouTube Channel
  5. Follow me on Twitter:  @sfryer
First Week by shellyfryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  shellyfryer 

Room108 Podcast 15: New Books

The Oklahoma City Thunder Bus came to visit our school today, and every student in our class was able to select a new book they can keep and take home. In this episode of our classroom radio show, students talk about new books they are reading. This is the fifteenth episode of our classroom podcast, created using the free Opinion app on my iPhone.  I teach third and fourth grade students at Positive Tomorrows in Oklahoma City.

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  1. This podcast episode on Opinion
  2. Our radio show homepage on Opinion
  3. Rolling Thunder Book Bus
  4. Our Classroom Website (on Google Sites)
  5. Our Classroom YouTube Channel
  6. Follow me on Twitter:  @sfryer
Enjoying the Reading Nook by shellyfryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  shellyfryer 

Room108 Podcast 13: Lego Literature Challenge

In this episode of our classroom radio show, students talk about how they used Legos to create a favorite character or scene from their favorite book. This is the thirteenth episode of our classroom podcast, created using the free Opinion app on my iPhone.  I teach third and fourth grade students at Positive Tomorrows in Oklahoma City.

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  1. This podcast episode on Opinion
  2. Our Classroom Website (on Google Sites)
  3. Our Classroom YouTube Channel
  4. Follow me on Twitter:  @sfryer
Lego Minion Challenge by shellyfryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  shellyfryer 

Room108 Podcast 14: How have you shown kindness?

In this episode of our classroom radio show, students talk about how  they have shown kindness recently. This is the fourteenth episode of our classroom podcast, created using the free Opinion app on my iPhone.  I teach third and fourth grade students at Positive Tomorrows in Oklahoma City.

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  1. This podcast episode on Opinion
  2. Our radio show homepage on Opinion
  3. Our Classroom Website (on Google Sites)
  4. Our Classroom YouTube Channel
  5. Follow me on Twitter:  @sfryer
Lego Design Challenge by shellyfryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  shellyfryer 

Helping My Students Find Their Voice

In redesigning my classroom with the purpose of building classroom community and community learning spaces, an interesting thing happened last week at recess. A group of girls didn’t like having to use the chalkboard in the heat of the sun on the sidewalk. They asked if they could “chalk” on the picnic table and in the back of the playground. I asked why they didn’t use the chalkboard on the fence on the side of the playground, and they said it was because other students were playing basketball and foursquare there. The back of the playground has more shade and a picnic table, which they wanted to use to “play school.”

Since the playground is used by everyone, I suggested they come up with a petition and present their ideas to our principal, Mrs. Agel. Four of the girls got together and talked about their ideas. One wrote a note about what they wanted to do: Use chalk on the wooden picnic table as well as possibly paint a chalkboard on the back fence in the shade. They got all the students in our class to sign the petition, and then delivered it to our principal’s office.

Mrs. Agel responded back to them and said she had a few questions, and asked if they could meet the next day. The girls met with Mrs. Agel at 10 am the next morning in her office. Mrs. Agel gave them permission to go forward with their ideas as long as they cleaned up their mess and worked together with other students to create a new chalkboard.

The girls have now formed a committee and are including members of our classroom in designing and painting a new chalkboard area. As the girls met with Mrs. Agel, they were very nervous. They said, “We’re just little kids.” They learned through this process that their ideas and opinions matter, and they can affect change in our school environment.

I am very proud of my students for making a difference.